北山栄太 8寸リムプレート Eita Kitayama Rim Plate
Wood plates dyed with plants by Eita Kitayama have original chic colors. The forms inspired by French antique tableware show his sense of beauty. These have a thin glass coating on the surface, and it makes them oil and water resistant. You can use them daily without special maintenance.
Artist : 北山栄太 Eita Kitayama
Size : D 26 cm x H 3 cm
Weight : 400 g
Material : 木 Wood
Product code : EK12
Made in Japan
Tax-excluded price : ¥14,000
*木目、色味には個体差があります。/ There are individual differences in grain and color
*染めは酸性に弱くレモンやビネガーなどに反応し、一部色落ちしてしまうことがあります。/ Since this work is dyed with plants, it is sensitive to acidity and reacts with lemons and vinegar, which may cause some discoloration.