北山栄太 'la norme' プレート M Eita Kitayama 'la norme' plate M-size
Wood plates dyed with plants by Eita Kitayama have original chic colors.These have a thin glass coating on the surface, and it makes them oil and water resistant. You can use them daily without special maintenance.
Artist : 北山栄太 Eita Kitayama
Size : D 17.7 cm x H 2 cm
Weight : 185 g
Material : 木 ( ハードメープル ) Wood ( Hard maple )
Product code : EK20
Made in Japan
Tax-excluded price : ¥8,000
*木目、染めの表情と色味には個体差があります。/ There are individual differences in grain and color
*染めは酸性に弱くレモンやビネガーなどに反応し、一部色落ちしてしまうことがあります。/ Since this work is dyed with plants, it is sensitive to acidity and reacts with lemons and vinegar, which may cause some discoloration.