緑茶 ゆず煎茶 (封筒) |  Yuzu Flavored Green Tea (Envelope)
緑茶 ゆず煎茶 (封筒) |  Yuzu Flavored Green Tea (Envelope)
緑茶 ゆず煎茶 (封筒) |  Yuzu Flavored Green Tea (Envelope)

緑茶 ゆず煎茶 (封筒) | Yuzu Flavored Green Tea (Envelope)

Regular price ¥850

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淹れ方の目安 : 温めた急須に100度のお湯200cc当たり茶匙約1(3g)の茶葉を入れ、1分間抽出してください。

Yuzu Sencha has a refreshing scent. The green tea from second harvest has a subtle bitterness and astringency well harmonized with blended pesticide-free yuzu peel. The citrus flavor is prominent when you steep it with hot water and you can enjoy a sharp taste. If you would like to taste it as an iced tea, its recommended to cool the tea after infusing with hot water, then the aroma gets much richer.

Net : 30g

Tax-excluded price : ¥787

How to make tea

Hot tea : put 1 spoonful (3g) of tea leaves per 200cc of 100 degrees (Celsius) water into a warmed teapot and steep for 1 minute.

Iced tea : make hot tea once, then leave it cool and put it in the refrigerator for 5 to 8 hours.

他のお茶を見る。See other kinds of tea.

緑茶 ゆず煎茶 (封筒) |  Yuzu Flavored Green Tea (Envelope)