2缶ギフトセット (さくら茶 + ゆず煎茶 ) | Gift set of 2 tea cans (Sakura Green Tea + Yuzu Flavored Green Tea )
さくら茶 ( 内容量 : 60g )
essence kyotoのさくら茶は、桜葉を想わせる芳香をもつ未登録の品種「静7132」に、静岡の山間地に咲く美しい色の河津桜の花を合わせ、天然の桜の香りがほんのりと感じられるシングルオリジンティーです。桜はひとつひとつ手摘みされ、静岡県俵峰の杉山喜太郎さんが無農薬で育てた静7132は、「まちこ」という別名とともに親しまれています。お湯を注ぐ際に立ちのぼるほのかな甘い香りをお楽しみください。
ゆず煎茶 (内容量:60g)
Sakura Green Tea (Net weight : 60g)
Our Sakura tea is a single origin green tea made of non-registered cultivar called Shizu 7132 which has a natural flavor reminding us of cherry leaves with hand-picked local Sakura flowers. This cultivar is nicknamed “Machiko” and grown without pesticide by Mr.Kitaro Sugiyama in Shizuoka prefecture. You can enjoy the modest sweet aroma from the season especially when you pour some hot water into pot.
Yuzu Flavored Green Tea (Net weight : 60g)
Yuzu Sencha has a refreshing scent. The green tea from second harvest has a subtle bitterness and astringency well harmonized with blended pesticide-free yuzu peel. The citrus flavor is prominent when you steep it with hot water and you can enjoy a sharp taste. If you would like to taste it as an iced tea, it’s recommended to cool the tea after infusing with hot water, then the aroma gets much richer.
*2 cans in a wooden box
Tax-excluded price : ¥4,352
他のお茶を見る。See other kinds of tea.