森本 仁
1976年 岡山県備前市生まれ
1999年 東京造形大学彫刻科卒業 豊場惺也氏に師事
Hitoshi Morimoto
Born in 1976, Bizen city, Okayama pref.
After graduate from Tokyo Zokei University in 1999, he became apprentice under Mr. Seiya Toyoba.
【Bizen ware】
Bizen ware is a pottery whose production area is around the Inbe district in Bizen City, Okayama Prefecture, where he was born and currently lives. It is generally fired for about 10 days using a climbing kiln at a temperature of 1200 to 1250 degrees without glaze. Bizen ware are produced by the nature of the soil, the position in the kiln, the temperature, and the ash of firewood during firing, and individually different in color and pattern. As it has minute pores and a good breathability, it’s suitable for a vase keeping flowers for a longer time. Bizen ware can be a excellent beer mug because its fine irregularities on the surface creates fine bubbles.