伊藤 環
1971年生まれ。大阪芸術大学卒業後、京都にて山田光氏(走泥社創始)に師事。信楽 “陶芸の森” にて各国若手作家と競作の後、郷里秋月へ戻り、父 橘日東士氏と共に作陶。2006年神奈川県三浦市三崎に開窯。2012年岡山県岡山市に移住。
Kan Ito ( 1971- )
After graduating from the Osaka University of Arts, Kan Ito studied under Mr. Hikaru Yamada, one of the masters who established “Sodei-sha”, a legendary group of ceramic artists in Kyoto. Afterwards, he moved into “Togei-no-mori”, the Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park in Shiga prefecture, which has marvelous facilities -even an artist-in-residence system- , and concentrated on making art, with young and promising artists from all over the world. In 1996, he went back to his home to join the family business with his father, Hitoshi Tachibana. In 2006, he became independent and opened his own studio in Misaki, Kanagawa prefecture. In 2012, he moved to Okayama city. The sources of his inspiration are old ceramics and antiques. He has held many exhibitions, not only in Tokyo but also all over Japan.